July 25, 2023

IGHS15 - Interview with Law Firm Information Governance Practitioner Susan Gleason, Withers Bergman

This  @InfoGovHotSeat  episode features Susan Gleason at Withers Bergman. Tune in to hear her answers to these 5 burning questions:

1. Brief Introduction of your role, how long you have been with the company, and one fun fact about yourself?

2. You attended and spoke at MER and ARMA NNJ INFORM recently, what were your key takeaways from those events? What events are you planning to attend the rest of the year?

3. What projects are priorities for you this year?

4. What does your internal Information Governance team look like? Where do you see opportunities for growth?

5. Where do you see the Information Governance Industry in the next 1-3 years?



Susan is a dedicated and focused professional who excels at information governance, dispute resolution, and effective communication. In my early career, I developed my training skills while working with autistic and dually diagnosed adults. From this experience, I learned that training programs cannot be one size fits all, and that an exceptional trainer must have the ability to adjust their style to the learner, rather than expect the learner to adjust to the training. This has given me a unique ability to assess, develop, and implement process improvements and deliver high quality results. My years of litigation work have enabled me to be a strong self-starter, work effectively under pressure, and quickly learn new skills and tasks. My love of technology has developed an innate ability to assess new developments, and quickly determine the best solution.