Cindy Chmura

Cindy Chmura Profile Photo

ARMA Vice Chair

Technology litigation support leader, directing large-scale records management and enterprise-wide project management. I help organizations manage, preserve, and collect data across various platforms in a heightened litigation and regulatory landscape resulting in lower risk to the organization, protecting the integrity of evidence, and reducing storage costs. Having a proven track record of leading a Fortune 500 multi-national team that produces innovative and fast responding results while leveraging firm-wide resources to meet our client’s changing needs is personally and professionally fulfilling to me. I was recently re-elected to the ARMA International Board of Directors for a second consecutive 3-year term and am serving as both Vice Chair of the ARMA International Board of Directors as well as an Advisor on the ARMA International Educational Foundation Board of Trustees.

Oct. 24, 2024

IGHS51 - InfoCon2024 Recap with Vice Chair, Cindy Chmura

In this episode of the InfoGov Hot Seat, host Jim Merrifield interviews Cindy Chmura, Vice Chair of the ARMA International Board of Directors. They discuss Cindy's background, key takeaways from Infocon 2024, the importance o...

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